Participated in the excavation
Leadership: Prof. Clementina Panella
28 May – 20 July 2012
I turn 28 May- 16 June
II turn 16 June – 20 July
Procedures and terms of enrollment
Each digger must conclude with an agency of their choice anti-accident policy for construction sites, extending the duration of its participation (students of La Sapienza are already covered). The excavators have to be equipped with safety shoes, helmet by law and trowel; a medical certificate attesting to his capacity, certificate tetanus and insurance if you do not belong to the University of La Sapienza.
Requests, complete with personal details, telephone number, e-mail, course of study and shift preference must be received by May 5, 2012.
The minimum attendance required is a shift of excavation (four weeks).
Segreteria Didattica del Dip. di Scienze dell'Antichità (piano terra della Facoltà).Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma.
Can also be sent by fax to n. 06/4453270.